Source code for dkube.sdk.rsrcs.modelmonitor

from __future__ import print_function

import json
import sys
import time
from enum import Enum
from pprint import pprint

from dkube.sdk.internal import dkube_api
from dkube.sdk.internal.dkube_api.models.modelmonitor_alert_cond_def import (
from dkube.sdk.internal.dkube_api.models.modelmonitor_alert_def import (
from dkube.sdk.internal.dkube_api.models.modelmonitor_component_def import (
from dkube.sdk.internal.dkube_api.models.modelmonitor_data_source_def import (
from dkube.sdk.internal.dkube_api.models.modelmonitor_def import ModelmonitorDef
from dkube.sdk.internal.dkube_api.models.modelmonitor_features_spec_def import (
from dkube.sdk.internal.dkube_api.models.modelmonitor_schema_feature import (
from dkube.sdk.internal.dkube_api.models.modelmonitor_status_def import (

from .util import *

[docs]class SchemaFeatureClass(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the feature classes that are suported for the Dkube modelmonitor schema. *Available in DKube Release: 3.x* """ Categorical = "categorical" Continuous = "continuous" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class SchemaFeatureType(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the feature type that are suported for the Dkube modelmonitor schema. *Available in DKube Release: 3.x* """ InputFeature = "input_feature" PredictionOutput = "prediction_output" Timestamp = "timestamp" RowId = "row_id" Null = "null" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class PipelineComponentType(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the type that are suported for the Pipeline component of the Dkube modelmonitor. *Available in DKube Release: 3.x* """ Baseline = "baseline" DataDrift = "data_drift" PerformanceDrift = "performance_drift" DeploymentHealth = "deployment_health" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class Protocol(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the protocols that are suported for the metrics in deployment of the Dkube modelmonitor. *Available in DKube Release: 3.x* """ tcp = "tcp" http = "http" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class DriftAlgo(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the drift detection algorithms that are suported for the Dkube modelmonitor. *Available in DKube Release: 3.0* """ KS = "kolmogorov-smirnov" ChiSquared = "chi Squared" KSChiSquared = "kolmogorov-smirnov & chi squared" Auto = "auto" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class SourceTypePerformance(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the source type for the performance monitoring. *Available in DKube Release: 3.0* """ LabelledData = "labelled_data" Metrics = "metrics" Custom = "custom" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class ModelType(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the model type that are suported for the Dkube modelmonitor. *Available in DKube Release: 3.0* """ Regression = "regression" Classification = "classification" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class SourceTypeDeployment(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the source type that are suported for the Dkube deployment monitoring. *Available in DKube Release: 3.0* """ Metrics = "metrics" Custom = "custom" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class DatasetClass(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the dataset class that are suported for the Dkube modelmonitor. *Available in DKube Release: 3.x* """ Train = "train" Predict = "predict" Labelled = "labelled" Metrics = "metrics" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class DatasetFormat(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the dataset formats that are suported for the Dkube modelmonitor. *Available in DKube Release: 3.0* """ Tabular = "tabular" Cloudevents = "cloudevents" Sagemakerlogs = "sagemakerlogs" Image = "image" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class AlertClass(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the alert class that are suported for the Dkube modelmonitor. *Available in DKube Release: 3.x* """ FeatureDrift = "feature_drift" PerformanceDecay = "performance_decay" DeploymentHealth = "deployment_health" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class AlertState(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the alert state that are suported for the Dkube modelmonitor. *Available in DKube Release: 3.0* """ Enabled = "enabled" Disabled = "disabled" Invalid = "invalid" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class AlertActionType(Enum): """ This Enum class defines the alert action type that are suported for the Dkube modelmonitor. *Available in DKube Release: 3.0* """ Email = "email" def __repr__(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class DkubeModelmonitor(object): """ This class defines the DKube Modelmonitor with helper functions to set properties of modelmonitor.:: from dkube.sdk import * mm = DkubeModelmonitor(name="mm",model_name='insurancemodel:ocdkube') Where first argument is the name of the modelmonitor second argument is the name of the model that you want to monitor i.e. nameofmodel:user user should be a valid onboarded user in dkube. *Available in DKube Release: 3.x """ def __init__(self, name=generate("mm"), model_type="regression"): self.alerts = [] self.datasources = {} self.features = [] self.metrics = {} self.schema = {} self.deployment_monitoring = {} self.drift_monitoring = {} self.performance_monitoring = {} self.features.append( ModelmonitorSchemaFeature(selected=None, _class=None, label=None, type=None) ) self.status = ModelmonitorStatusDef( state=None, sub_state=None, message=None, code=None, success=None, schema_updated=None, alerts_updated=None, ) self.pipeline_component = ModelmonitorComponentDef( run_id=None, status_info=None, status=None, type=None ) self.modelmonitor = ModelmonitorDef( id=None, status=self.status, schema=self.schema, pipeline_component=self.pipeline_component, deployment_monitoring=self.deployment_monitoring, drift_monitoring=self.drift_monitoring, performance_monitoring=self.performance_monitoring, owner=None, name=None, thresholds=None, model_type=None, datasources=self.datasources, alerts=self.alerts, ) self.update_modelmonitor(name, model_type)
[docs] def update_modelmonitor( self, name=None, model_type: ModelType = None, data_timezone=None, input_data_type=None, thresholds=None, ): """ Method to update the attributes specified at creation. """ if name: = name if data_timezone: self.modelmonitor.data_timezone = data_timezone if model_type in ["regression", "classification"]: self.modelmonitor.model_type = model_type else: print( "Please define the supported model types, regression or classification" ) if input_data_type: self.modelmonitor.input_data_type = input_data_type if thresholds: self.modelmonitor.thresholds = thresholds return self
[docs] def add_datasources( self, id=None, data_class: DatasetClass = None, transformer_script=None, name=None, sql_query=None, s3_subpath=None, version=None, data_format=str(DatasetFormat.Tabular), groundtruth_col=None, predict_col=None, date_suffix=None, timestamp_col=None, ): """ This function adds the datasource in dkube Model monitor. """ if data_class == None: print("Please provide a class for which dataset needs to be added") else: mm_dataset = {} if name: mm_dataset["name"] = name if id: mm_dataset["id"] = id if transformer_script: mm_dataset["transformer_script"] = transformer_script if data_format: mm_dataset["data_format"] = data_format if version: mm_dataset["version"] = version if s3_subpath: mm_dataset["s3_subpath"] = s3_subpath if groundtruth_col: mm_dataset["groundtruth_col"] = groundtruth_col if predict_col: mm_dataset["predict_col"] = predict_col if sql_query: mm_dataset["sql_query"] = sql_query if data_class: mm_dataset["class"] = data_class if date_suffix: mm_dataset["date_suffix"] = date_suffix if data_class == "labelled" and timestamp_col: mm_dataset["timestamp_col"] = timestamp_col if data_class not in self.modelmonitor.datasources: self.modelmonitor.datasources[data_class] = mm_dataset
[docs] def update_datasources( self, id=None, data_class: DatasetClass = None, transformer_script=None, name=None, sql_query=None, s3_subpath=None, version=None, data_format=str(DatasetFormat.Tabular), groundtruth_col=None, predict_col=None, date_suffix=None, timestamp_col=None, ): """ This function updates the DKube Modelmonitor datasource. """ if data_class == None: print("Please provide a class for which dataset needs to be updated") else: mm_dataset = {} if name: mm_dataset["name"] = name if id: mm_dataset["id"] = id if transformer_script: mm_dataset["transformer_script"] = transformer_script if data_format: mm_dataset["data_format"] = data_format if version: mm_dataset["version"] = version if s3_subpath: mm_dataset["s3_subpath"] = s3_subpath if groundtruth_col: mm_dataset["groundtruth_col"] = groundtruth_col if predict_col: mm_dataset["predict_col"] = predict_col if sql_query: mm_dataset["sql_query"] = sql_query if data_class: mm_dataset["class"] = data_class if date_suffix: mm_dataset["date_suffix"] = date_suffix if data_class == "labelled" and timestamp_col: mm_dataset["timestamp_col"] = timestamp_col for key in mm_dataset: self.modelmonitor.datasources[data_class][key] = mm_dataset[key]
[docs] def update_drift_monitoring_details( self, enabled=None, frequency=None, algorithm: DriftAlgo = None, ): """ This function updates the DKube drift monitor details. The following updates are supported: enabled : boolean value, frequency : an integer, frequency for detecting concept drift algorithm : Drift Algorithm, see the DriftAlgo Enum class for the details, """ if enabled: self.modelmonitor.drift_monitoring["enabled"] = enabled if frequency: self.modelmonitor.drift_monitoring["frequency"] = frequency if algorithm: self.modelmonitor.drift_monitoring["algorithm"] = algorithm
[docs] def update_performance_monitoring_details( self, enabled=None, frequency=None, source_type: SourceTypePerformance = None, docker_image=None, startup_script=None, ): """ This function updates the DKube performance monitoring details. The following updates are supported: enabled : boolean value, frequency : an integer, frequency for performance monitoring source_type: SourceType see the SourceType Enum class for the details, startup_script: the startup script """ if enabled: self.modelmonitor.performance_monitoring["enabled"] = enabled if frequency: self.modelmonitor.performance_monitoring["frequency"] = frequency if source_type: self.modelmonitor.performance_monitoring["source_type"] = source_type if docker_image: self.modelmonitor.performance_monitoring["docker_image"] = docker_image if startup_script: self.modelmonitor.performance_monitoring["startup_script"] = startup_script
[docs] def update_deployment_monitoring_details( self, enabled=None, frequency=None, cluster=None, source_type: SourceTypeDeployment = None, metrics=None, collect_metrics=None, ): """ This function updates the DKube deployment monitoring details. The following updates are supported: enabled : boolean value, frequency : an integer, frequency for deployment monitoring cluster: cluster source_type: SourceType see the DeploymentSourceType Enum class for the details, metrics: thresholds : a dictionary containing hard and soft thresholds, eg : { hard:0.02, soft:0.01} """ if enabled: self.modelmonitor.deployment_monitoring["enabled"] = enabled if frequency: self.modelmonitor.deployment_monitoring["frequency"] = frequency if cluster: self.modelmonitor.deployment_monitoring["cluster"] = cluster if source_type: self.modelmonitor.deployment_monitoring["source_type"] = source_type if collect_metrics: self.modelmonitor.deployment_monitoring["collect_metrics"] = collect_metrics
[docs] def update_deployment_metrics( self, heartbeat=None, protocol: Protocol = None, payload=None, headers=None, response_status_code=None, response_body=None, ): """ Method to update deployment metrics in performance monitoring """ self.modelmonitor.deployment_monitoring["metrics"] = { "heartbeat": heartbeat, "protocol": protocol, "payload": payload, "headers": headers, "response_status_code": response_status_code, "response_body": response_body, }
[docs]class DkubeModelmonitoralert(object): """ This class defines the DKube Modelmonitor alert with helper functions to set properties of modelmonitor alert.:: from dkube.sdk import * mm = DkubeModelmonitoralert(name="mm-alert") Where first argument is the name of the alert in the modelmonitor . *Available in DKube Release: 3.x* """ def __init__(self, name="mm-alert", tags=[]): = None self._class = None self.enabled = None = name self.tags = tags self.conditions = [] self.alert_action = {} self.emails=None def to_JSON(self): return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__)
[docs] def update_alert( self, alert_class: AlertClass = "feature_drift", enabled=None, tags=None, feature=None, metric=None, threshold=None, percent_threshold=None, breach_threshold=None, emails=None, action_type="email", ): """ This function updates the alert in the model monitor. The following updates are supported. alert_class, enabled, tags, feature, metric, threshold, percent_threshold, breach_threshold, emails """ if tags: self.tags = tags = self._class = alert_class self.enabled = enabled self.alert_action["action_type"] = "email" self.conditions.append( { "id": None, "feature": feature, "metric": metric, "op": ">", "threshold": threshold, "percent_threshold": percent_threshold, } ) if breach_threshold: self.alert_action["breach_threshold"] = breach_threshold if emails: self.alert_action["emails"] = emails