Model Monitoring


Over time, models can degrade, providing prediction results that no longer achieve your business goals. DKube integrates model monitoring into the overall workflow. This allows the data science or production teams to monitor the serving results, and take action if the results are no longer within acceptable tolerances.

  • Local and remote deployments can be monitored

  • Monitors can be created using data files or running deployments

  • Status and Alerts can be set up based on goals and thresholds

  • A Dashboard provides a snapshot of all monitored models

  • Problems can be viewed in a set of hierarchical graphs

  • The problem, and its root cause, can be determined

  • Retraining and redeployment can be performed

Monitoring Concepts


There are 3 different components of monitoring within DKube:

  • Health Monitoring

    • Monitor the health of the deployment based on statistics passed to the monitor

  • Data Drift Monitoring

    • Monitor the difference between the input data during training and the current prediction input data

    • Monitor the difference between the training predictions and the current predictions of the model (Concept Drift)

  • Performance Decay Monitoring

    • Monitor the metrics of the current model

    • Performance decay monitoring requires both a prediction and the accurate results, called Ground Truth

Monitoring Results

The monitoring components provide information in 2 different ways: Status and Alerts



The status of a monitor component provides information on the current condition of the deployment. The status is determined by how the feature drift or metrics compare to the soft and hard thresholds that are uploaded to the monitor.

The meaning of the status depends upon which screen is being shown. For the detailed screens, each feature and metric has it’s own status indication that is based on the rules above. The Dashboard status indication provides a summary of the status.

There are 3 possible status indications:







The feature drift or metric is less than the soft threshold



The feature drift or metric is greater than the soft threshold, but less than the hard threshold



The feature drift or metric is greater than the hard threshold




All feature drifts and metrics are below their individual thresholds



At least one feature drift or metric is greater than its soft threshold, but none are above the hard threshold



At least one feature drift or metric is greater than its hard threshold


The status indications show the current condition of the features or metrics based on the last prediction request. They do not provide historical information on previous status conditions.



Alerts provide an indication that a feature drift or metric matches the criteria set when the alert is created. When the alert is triggered, it will show up on the detailed screen.

The alert can be configured to trigger based on:

  • The status of the feature drift or metric (warning or critical)

  • A threshold set when the alert is created


The alert threshold is separate from the status threshold. They are configured independently, have different meaning, and are handled differently.

Health Monitoring


The Health monitor tracks statistics from the deployment, and provides status and alerts based on the monitor configuration.

Data Drift


Data Drift monitors how the existing inputs and predictions compare to the original model training. In the diagram above:

Drift Type





The Prediction Input Data is compared to the original Training Input Data



The model Predictions are compared to the original Training predictions


Data Drift monitoring does not depend upon the accuracy of the predictions. No Ground Truth is required. It simply shows how the current model is operating compared to the original training for the model.

Performance Decay


Performance Decay monitoring calculates the model metrics based on the model prediction and the correct prediction provided by the Ground Truth. The Ground Truth is created by an expert in the domain, and added to the inputs and model predictions.

Monitor Workflow

The general workflow to make use of the model monitoring system is described in this section.



Create or import a deployment

Deployments Import Deployment

Add a monitor for the deployment

Create a Monitor

Update the schema

Update Schema

Create alerts for the monitor

Add Alerts

Optionally upload a file that sets status thresholds for the monitor

Upload Threshold File

The monitor can be modified after it has been created

Edit an Existing Monitor

The status of the monitors and alerts can be viewed in real-time from the monitor dashboard screen

Monitor Dashboard

Based on the alerts, a specific monitor can be hierarchically investigated to determine what is causing the alert

Monitor Details


It is possible to set up a monitor without a running model, based solely on a set of files. These files can be created manually or automatically from a running model or through a program.

Monitor Menu

The Monitor screens provide a UI-based mechanism to navigate through the workflow.


Menu Item




Create, view, and manage the Code repos



Create, view, and manage the Dataset repos



Create, view, and manage the Model repos



Catalog of images for use in IDEs & Runs



Create, view, and manage deployments and monitors


Monitors are described in this section


View the storage utilization for the user


View the CPU, GPU, memory, and pod utilization for the user

Deployments Dashboard


In order to monitor a model (or set of files), a Deployment must be created or imported. The following deployment approaches are possible:

  • Create a deployment from a trained model Deployments

  • Import a deployment from a remote cluster, described in this guide

  • Create a dummy deployment in order to create a monitor for a set of files


A Monitor requires a Deployment, and there can only be a single Monitor for a Deployment. The Monitor name will be the same as the Deployment name.

The Deployments Dashboard provides a summary of the currently active deployments.

  • The Status column identifies whether the deployment has been created from within DKube or imported

  • If the deployment has been created within DKube, an endpoint URL is provided

  • If the deployment includes a monitor, the status of the monitor is provided

The following actions are possible for each deployment:


Deployment Type




Change the model being deployed for that endpoint Change Model Deployment



Change the remote deployment

Add Monitor


Add a monitor to the deployment

Import Deployment

In order to monitor a remote model, or to monitor using a set of files, the deployment must first be imported to the local DKube cluster. Select the Import button, which brings up the import popup.





Mandatory name of the deployment, which will also be the name of the monitor when it is created


Optional fields providing more context for reviewing or filtering


Optional cluster name if the model has been deployed on a remote cluster. Clusters are added as described at Multicluster Management

The Name field rules are as follows:

Import Type


Remote Model

Must must match the deployment name on the remote cluster

Dummy Deployment

User-chosen name

If the deployment is coming from a remote cluster, the Namespace field should be set to the Username on the Serving cluster.


The Fields other than the Name field can be modified through the Edit icon after the deployment has been imported.

Create a Monitor


A monitor can be added by selecting the “Add Monitor” action icon. This will bring up a screen where the basic monitor fields can be filled in. Once the monitor has been added to the deployment, it can be further configured from the monitor dashboard screen.


After the required inputs have been entered and the new monitor submitted, the Schema can be directly accessed. The Schema can also be modified later from the Monitor Dashboard screen.


The Settings tab needs to be filled in, and only the other tabs that are required for monitoring. Do not select the “Submit” button until all of the tabs have been filled in.

Basic Settings




Model Type

Type of model being monitored, such as regression or classification

Input Data Type

Type of data being monitored, such as tabular or image


Select to add other configuration

Health Monitor

The health of a real deployment can be monitored. This tab will not be selectable when monitoring a set of files. This is described in Health Monitoring





Enable the monitoring of the health of the deployment on the cluster


Select how often the health monitor should run

Data Drift Monitor

The Drift screen sets up the monitor for data drift. The monitor will compare the input data and predictions compared to the original training data, as described in Data Drift

  • For locally running deployments, or deployments that have been imported from a remote cluster, most of the fields will be filled in based on the deployment metadata

  • For a dummy deployment, where the monitor is based on files and not running deployments, the fields must be filled in to identify what needs to be monitored





Enable data drift monitor


Select how often the monitor should run


Choose the algorithm to use for evaluating data drift

Train Data


Original training dataset name and version that should be used for the monitor


Select to add additional inputs if required

Upload Transformer Script

Optional script if necessary to preprocess or postprocess the original training data

Predict Data

Dataset Content

Format & source of model prediction dataset


Select to add additional inputs if required

Upload Transformer Script

Optional script if necessary to preprocess or postprocess the deployment prediction data

The Dataset Content field can be selected as follows:




Get the deployment prediction data from the cloud


Get the deployment prediction data a tabular-formatted file

If the Tabular Dataset Content is selected, the following additional fields will be displayed:




Deployment prediction dataset name and version that should be used for the monitor

Files Organized As

Folder organization for deployment prediction dataset

The monitor uses the inputs and outputs to do a comparison based on the frequency selected, and uses the thresholds or alerts to update the current status or trigger an event, as described at Monitoring Results

Performance Decay Monitor

The Performance screen sets up the monitor for metric performance. This is described at Performance Decay





Enable metric performance monitor


Select how often the monitor should run

Compute Metrics

Select the format of the files to use for the performance metrics

Labelled Data

The Labelled Data selection expects a dataset file that has columns that provide both the Groundtruth (correct output) and the deployment prediction. Based on this, DKube will calculate the performance for the monitor.




Dataset name and version for the calculation


The folder where the dataset resides

Groundtruth Column Name

Column header name for the ground truth

Prediction Column Name

Column header name for the model prediction

Timestamp Column Name

Column header name for the timestamp

Pre-Computed Source

A Pre-Computed Source provides the full computation of the metrics. DKube does not do the computation, but rather uses the information in the file.

An example of a pre-computed file is available at Pre-Computed Source Example


A fully custom file for the performance monitoring.

An example of a custom file is available at Custom Metrics Example

Completing the Initial Configuration

After the required tabs have been completed, select the Submit button to start the monitor baselining. This will take the datasets that have been provided and set up the monitor to accept the rest of the configuration. In order to complete the initial configuration, the schema needs to be updated based on the previous configuration.

The schema identifies and characterizes the inputs and outputs for the monitor.

The schema can be completed by going directly to the setup screen from the popup after submission (and wait while baselining is being done), or by returning to the monitoring dashboard to wait for baselining to complete.

Monitor Dashboard


After initial setup, the monitor will go through a baselining status, and once that is complete it will be in the pending status, waiting for the schema to be configured.

The Monitor dashboard is accessible by selecting the Deployments menu on the left, and the Monitors tab on the top of the screen.

The monitor status indications are:




Calculating results after adding datasets


Waiting for the schema to be configured


Available for monitor, but not active


The monitor is in the process of becoming active


Running analysis


The monitor is in the process of becoming ready


Problem with the monitor

The following actions are available:




Mandatory configuration that defines and characterizes the feature inputs and outputs


Add alerts to get notification of deployment issues, as described at Alerts


Upload threshold file for monitor status indications, as described at Status


Put the monitor into the active status


Put the monitor in to the ready status


Delete the monitor

Configure Monitor

Modify the basic monitor options

Update Schema

Modify the monitor schema

Add Alerts

Add Alerts for the Monitor

Add or Edit Dashboards

Add or modify the dashboard

Upload Thresholds

Upload the thresholds for warning (orange) and critical (red) status


The basic configuration and schema can be viewed and changed within the screen while the Monitor is in the active state, but must be in the ready (stopped) state to update them

Update Schema


The Schema identifies the input and output features for the monitor, and provides their characteristics. The schema needs to be updated after the initial monitor setup to become ready.

The schema is updated by selecting its icon at the far right of the monitor name.

The Schema screen lists the features that are part of the training data. From this screen, you can choose which features to monitor, what type of feature it is (input, prediction, etc), and whether the feature is continuous (a number) or categorical (something is a distinct category such a true or false).

After the schema is configured, the monitor go from the pending to the ready status.


The schema can be viewed and changed within the screen while the Monitor is in the active state, but must be in the ready (stopped) state to update the schema

Add Alerts

Alerts provide notifications when an input or output of the Model drifts out of tolerance, as described at Alerts

Alerts can be added by selecting the Alerts icon in the actions section of the dashboard screen. This will bring up the Alerts screen.

The Alerts screen shows the alerts that have already been added for that monitor, and allows the user to create a new alert. The Alert is configured by selecting what type of Alert is monitored. In each case, an email can optionally be configured to notify an Alert trigger.

_images/Monitor_Alerts_R31.png _images/Monitor_Add_Alert_Popup_R33.png




Enable the alert to be active - the alert can be disabled later by editing it

Alert Name

User-chosen name for the alert

Alert Type

Type of comparison, such as data drift, performance decay, or Deployment Health - described at Monitoring Concepts

Configure Based On

Create alert based on status or threshold - described at :ref:monitor-concepts-results`

If Status

Select the feature and what status should trigger the alert - described at Status

If Threshold

Select the feature and what threshold should trigger the alert - described at Alerts

Breach Incidents

Optionally set the number of times the feature matches the threshold before triggering an alert

Email Address

Optionally provide an email address to use when an alert is triggered

The alert will show up on the list of Alerts once successfully created.

Alerts can be edited from the Alert List screen by selecting the Edit icon on the far right.

Upload Threshold File

The status of a feature or metric can be monitored as described at Status

A Threshold file can be uploaded by selecting the Upload Thresholds icon in the action section at the right of the monitor name. This will create a popup that allows the file to be uploaded.

Edit an Existing Monitor


An existing monitor can be modified by selecting the Edit Monitor icon on the right of the monitor summary.


The monitor basic setup can be viewed and changed within the screen while the Monitor is in the active state, but must be in the ready (stopped) state to update the monitor

Reviewing Monitor Status


The Monitor Dashboard can be used to review the status of the monitors. The top section provides information on the status of all the monitors running. It shows the number of monitors and their respective status, as described at Status

Each monitor has its own status indication, based on the same thresholds.

The status indications are defined as follows:





All feature drifts and metrics are below their individual thresholds



At least one feature drift or metric is greater than its soft threshold, but none are above the hard threshold



At least one feature drift or metric is greater than its hard threshold


The threshold status colors are based on the last prediction, and are not a cumulative indication of the metrics. They are also not related to Alerts, which have their own set of thresholds and triggers.

Alerts Dashboard


The Alerts Dashboard shows all of the alerts that have been triggered within DKube, across all of the monitors. It provides information on the monitor name, alert name, type of alert, and the timestamps. The user can go directly to the monitor by selecting the monitor name.

Monitor Details


The process of identifying the root cause of a monitor deviation involves successively reviewing more information on a Status or Alert. From the Monitor Dashboard, select one of the monitors to find out more details on that monitor by selecting the monitor name.


This brings up a dashboard for that specific monitor, with the associated details. It includes:

  • The current status of the monitor features & metrics

  • A list of triggered Alerts for that monitor only, for the selected timeframe (selected on the right)

A summary of the Alert can be obtained by selecting the Alert name.


More details on the Alert can be obtained by selecting the name of the Alert. Once on the alert details screen, you can go back to the summary screen by selecting the Data Drift Details button at the top right.

Data Drift


Data Drift Graph for Tabular Data


Data Drift Graph for Image Data

Selecting the Data Drift tab provides graphs and tables that help to identify what has drifted, with more information to determine why it has drifted. There are 2 graphs, selected by using the radial button.

Prediction Drift

The top Prediction Drift graph overlays the mean of the model predictions with the Drift for the Output Feature shown below the graph. This is described at Data Drift


The individual graphs can be enabled or disabled by selecting the graph color key at the top right of the graph area

The details of the output feature drift are available below the summary graph at the bottom of the screen. The name of the feature can be expanded with the caret icon at the left.


The top line provides a summary of the feature, including the calculated drift and a trend graph. Below that is a distribution graph show how the predictions compare to the original training predictions. There is also a graph that shows the mean predictions and the standard deviation over time.

Input Drift


The Input Data Drift information is displayed by selecting the “Alerts” radial button at the top right. This shows the number of predictions and identifies Data Drift Alerts.

More details for each feature can be viewed by selecting the caret icon to the left of the feature.


Data Drift Input Details for Tabular Data


Data Drift Input Details for Image Data

For monitoring on Image data, the input drift graphs provide the input images for training and prediction, as well as:

  • An image heat map

  • A histogram of the image that shows the grayscale pixel values and the count of how often that pixel value occurs

Performance Decay


If the Performance teb is selected, the graphs show how well the Model is performing based on the chosen Model metrics. This is described in more detail at Performance Decay The top graph combines the number of production requests and the number of performance alerts.

The bottom graphs show how each individual metric is performing.

Configuration, Schema, & Alerts


The Configuration, Schema, and Alerts tabs allows the user to view the options used for the monitor.